September 19, 2014 — Hepatology has published a study reporting that the percentage of liver injuries linked to dietary supplements has increased from 7% to 20% in the last decade.
The data was collected between 2004-2013 on 839 patients with liver damage in 8 referral systems. The vast majority had pharmaceutical drug-induced liver injury, but there were 45 cases involving bodybuilding-supplements and 85 involving non-bodybuilding supplements.
The conclusions of the study suggest that liver injuries from supplements are becoming more common, especially in middle-aged women. Liver injuries from non-bodybuilding supplements tend to be more severe, frequently resulting in liver transplantation or death.
The lead author on the study, Dr. Victor Navarro, warned about safety risks of using supplements:
“While many Americans believe supplements to be safe, government regulations require less safety evidence to market products than what is required for conventional pharmaceuticals. With less stringent oversight for herbals and dietary supplements, there is greater potential for harmful consequences including life-threatening conditions.”
In the last decade, several weight-loss supplements have been linked to outbreaks of liver damage. In the last month, nearly 50 people who had liver damage after taking OxyElite Pro filed lawsuits against the manufacturer, USPLabs.
Liver damage has also been reported in people who used supplements containing green tea extract, such as SlimQuick. While green tea the beverage has been used safely for centuries, powerful extracts of the plant may contain toxic levels of chemicals that are harmful to the liver. Unfortunately, green tea supplements remain widely and continue to be marketed as beneficial.
Do I have a Dietary Supplement Lawsuit?
The Schmidt Firm, PLLC is currently accepting dietary supplement induced injury cases in all 50 states. If you or somebody you know has been diagnosed with liver damage after taking OxyElite Pro, SlimQuick, or other supplement, you should contact our lawyers immediately for a free case consultation. Please use the form below to contact our Dietary Supplement Litigation Group or call toll free 24 hours a day at (866) 920-0753.
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